My name is Armin Wagner. I design user interfaces.
Vienna, Austria

My remote workspace for the next two months.

February 13, 2022

August 20, 2020

Armin Wagner
February 8, 2020

Project post mortem (CEAT 2010-2012, Wiretouch 2013-2017): I wrote down some thoughts on designing resilient prototypes and building open haptic interfaces.

Armin Wagner
July 3, 2019
Liddy and me won a prize in the »20 Seconds for Art« contest of KÖR (Public Art Vienna). In the next two months you might spot us on public infoscreens in Vienna, Graz, Klagenfurt, Linz, Innsbruck and Eisenstadt.

Armin Wagner
May 5, 2019
I had the pleasure to migrate, design and implement the new »image« database of the University of Applied Arts Vienna. There will be a small #launchparty today at Vordere Zollamtsstraße 7, 2nd floor, Flux 2, starting at 16:00. See you there!

February 16, 2018

Armin Wagner
May 4, 2018
I will be giving a short, historical-critical presentation on Tuesday at the 161st UX Vienna Meetup. It will be hosted by A1 Telekom Austria. I hope to see you there!

Armin Wagner
February 2, 2018
For privacy and security reasons (some of my clients do not allow the storage of bookmarks in 3rd-party clouds), I made a little “read it later”-like Firefox add-on. It provides a place where you can temporarily store links for later review, but it keeps everything offline – no hidden metrics, no profiling. Sometimes less is more.
It’s open source now and you can get it here.

Armin Wagner
November 15, 2017
Happy to announce that Liddy Scheffknecht and me won the design award of the Neue Wiener Werkstätte.

Armin Wagner
September 5, 2016
WireTouch is an open multi-touch tracker based on mutual capacitance sensing. We built it to support researchers and designers in the exploration of new application areas. Read the full article here.

Armin Wagner
August 1, 2016
Research on active touch has a longer history than usually assumed. My article about it is now available as a “sample” of the APA History of Psychology Journal. Grab it while it’s free! [updated link to pdf for personal, non-commercial use]